You don't have to feel this way anymore, are you ready to have a powerful conversation?

Meet Susie: Your Wellness Coach

Certified Holistic Health & Wellness Expert

Taking the mystery out of long term, permanent weight loss by helping you reduce stress and bring your nervous system back in balance by clearing physical/emotional pain stored in your fascia through somatic movements and breathwork. 

Bringing awareness and solutions to high functioning depression, so you don’t make the same mistakes I did.

About_Susie (1)
  • International Yoga Instructor
  • Board Certified Massage Therapist 
  • Personal Trainer & Movement Specialist
  • Integrative Holistic Wellness & Mindset Expert
  • Neurofit Trainer and 9D Breathwork Certified Facilitator

With over two decades of experience in the health, fitness, and wellness industry, I am passionate about guiding individuals on their journey to holistic well-being. My personal battles with depression and back surgery in my twenties ignited a profound transformation in my life, steering me toward a career dedicated to helping others heal and thrive.

I began my journey as a massage therapist, focusing on alleviating physical pain and discomfort. Realizing that physical well-being was just one piece of the puzzle, I expanded my expertise by becoming a certified personal trainer, encouraging my clients to embrace movement as a path to health. As I delved deeper into my clients’ needs, it became evident that true wellness required addressing the mind as much as the body. To this end, I pursued training in yoga, breathwork, and became a nervous system and somatic practitioner. These disciplines have equipped me with a comprehensive toolkit to help individuals release emotional and psychological blocks, fostering a harmonious balance between body and mind.

Today, I specialize in empowering women who feel overwhelmed and undervalued, often caught in the cycle of giving endlessly to others while neglecting their own needs. I am dedicated to helping these women recognize the early signs of high-functioning depression, preventing them from slipping into the profound depression I once experienced.

Through personalized coaching, I teach my clients to prioritize essential aspects of self-care, including sleep and stress management. We utilize breathwork and nervous system regulation techniques to create sustainable, positive changes. As your nervous system feels safe, your body will naturally let go of excess weight it has been holding onto, further enhancing your transformation. Working with me, you will reclaim your well-being, become a priority in your life, and transform from the inside out.

Join me on this journey of self-discovery and empowerment, and together, we will transform your life from the inside out.

I believe the obstacles we face, AND how we react and learn from them are what makes us who we are. At the depths of our pain and suffering, we might not understand why. Divine timing and reasoning will eventually be revealed. It’s time to dig deeper into your pain.

~ My first back surgery was over 20 years ago, it gave me the power to realize my lifestyle was what put me on that operating room table, and I had 2 choices – change my lifestyle or be back on the surgical table within 2-5 years (according to my neurosurgeon).

~ Finding out I was pregnant gave me the time to ask the hard questions and the clarity to see why I was using alcohol to cope, what I was running away from, to find the root of my anger and pain, and see the influence it also had on my depression. I’ve been alcohol free for over 13 years now.​

~ Already feeling shame from society after having a C-section, then struggling with breastfeeding, I was consumed with guilt and pain thinking I was completely failing at this mom thing.

~ As excited I was to be blessed with two kids, our second child really triggered my deep rooted feelings of never being good enough. As much as I tried to make him happy, he had a completely different demeanor with me. I wore myself out to the point of exhaustion trying to anticipate his needs, be in control, be a good wife, and at the same time not neglect the needs and feelings of our first child. I was mentally and emotionally drained from doing too much for everyone else and neglecting my own needs. This is when my low back pain resurfaced.

~ The recovery from my second back surgery in 2019 (from changing my lifestyle and habits I made it 19 years without issues and pain free – beating the 2-5 years my doctor predicted) sent me down the darkest depressive spiral I have ever been down. After my ninth cycle of not washing my hair for at least three weeks, I became aware of my patterns and felt compelled to make this video revealing my struggles I had been hiding. Publicly posting this video flooded my inbox with messages from other women thanking me for my bravery and being their voice. They also thought they were the only ones going though this. I also discovered the deeper reason behind the passion I have for fitness; my mental health DEPENDS on me moving my body. This was the moment I realized how I can truly help others take back their power and live a life free from pain. Over two years later, I still get messages and comments about this video.

~ About 7 years ago, my seemingly healthy body was becoming quite sick. Unexplained health issues began to pile up and of course, rather than burden anyone with my issues, I kept it to myself. It wasn’t until I was talking to a friend with very similar health issues. She had recently had her breast implants removed and was feeling much better. She added me to a few groups on Facebook where I found THOUSANDS of women experiencing the same exact health issues. I made the choice to have my implants removed in October 2021 and from the moment I woke up from surgery I was already seeing improvements in my health. It was from this moment I realized I had to share my story with others and show them how to be their own health advocate. I share my process for prepping for a surgery like this (mentally, emotionally, and physically), as well as the post surgery recovery.

Susie Bower Depression Hair - This was the when I became aware of my triggers that lead to my depressive spirals - and I shared it with the world hoping to help 1 person.

THIS was my lowest point in my entire life. It was also a turning point where I was done letting my depression control me.

I get it. I’ve been there and kept it a secret for 20 years. I want to help you NOW so you don’t get to this point…

I could have allowed each one of these to destroy me. Letting them be the excuse I didn’t or couldn’t do something. Instead, I learned from them. These, and many other experiences not only shaped me, they became the foundation for my business and why I created my programs. I don’t want people to escape their pain, I want them to break free from it!

We are all uniquely individual and should be treated such. You are not given a cookie cutter plan to follow with my services and programs. You will discover how to reconnect to yourself, radically re-define your self awareness and acceptance, tune into to your body and it’s needs, and we will develop a plan specific to you. You will be empowered to intuitively make changes to your plan to meet your needs as you enter a new season of life or goals change.

Our body will eventually have to cash the checks our habits and behaviors have accumulated. Ignoring and avoiding won’t make it go away, it only prolongs the healing.

Bottom line is – my life changed when I made a choice to accept that I was the only one responsible for the way my life was. It’s hard owning up to that, but that’s why I’m here and also why you will have success. When you begin to take ownership, there is an abundant feeling of self empowerment when you do. That’s what I want for you.