Simplified health and wellness.

Natural weight loss without dieting.

Reduce stress and release trapped emotions.

Personalized coaching for women ready to transform stress into empowerment and embrace holistic wellness as they navigate their changing bodies.

Empowered Mind, Body & Breath

If you’re still wearing that 'I’m fine' mask while juggling stress like a circus performer, it’s time for a wake-up call! You might think you’re handling it all like a pro, but deep down, we both know you’re one coffee spill away from a full-blown meltdown.

Your body is a storyteller, and it has a lot to say about the emotions you’ve been carrying around (for years, maybe even decades). If you’ve ever felt that tightness in your chest or that knot in your stomach, you’re not alone—these sensations are often signs that your nervous system is overwhelmed. Emotional pain doesn’t just linger in your mind; it can manifest physically, turning everyday stress into chronic discomfort. Research shows that the same neural pathways process both emotional and physical pain, meaning unresolved feelings can lead to very real physical symptoms like headaches, fatigue, and even weight issues.

Now, let’s talk about breathwork. This powerful practice can act as a release valve for all that pent-up emotion. By consciously focusing on your breath, you can signal to your nervous system that it’s time to relax and let go of the tension. Each deep inhale invites calmness, while every exhale helps release the burdens you’ve been holding onto—think of it as a mini therapy session you have access to 24/7 - you just need to tap into your body and inner healing capabilities.

Together, we’ll peel back the layers of denial and tackle the real issues behind your stress and physical discomfort. No more pretending everything is 'fine' while your body is screaming for help.

Let’s shatter that illusion and step into a life where you feel empowered, energized, and ready to take on whatever life throws your way (without needing a nap afterward). I’m here to guide you on this journey and show you how to embrace the vibrant life you truly deserve.

Ready to kick that denial to the curb? Let’s do this together!

Uncover the root causes of stress and anxiety through personalized programs that empower you to reclaim your mental well-being.

I invite you to embark on a transformative journey where holistic coaching, powerful mindset shifts, and physical results become your allies in breaking free from the emotional and physical burdens weighing you down.

With over 25 years as a movement and manual therapist, I’ll help you achieve pain-free movement through tailored myofascial release yoga classes and personal training sessions. Experience a customized massage using diverse techniques to meet your body’s healing needs. I focus on somatic approaches to mind-body healing, addressing tension, stress, and trauma through your body’s natural range of motion.

Experience the transformative power of this unique breathwork, where rhythmic breathing meets immersive sound technology to release stress, heal deep-seated emotions, and unlock your true potential.

Private sessions, group sessions, and Corporate Wellness programs are available for breathwork and Stress Management.

  • International Yoga Instructor
  • Board Certified Massage Therapist
  • Personal Trainer & Movement Specialist
  • Integrative Holistic Wellness & Mindset Expert
  • Neurofit Trainer & Certified Breathwork Facilitator

After 25 years in health, fitness, and wellness, I’ve discovered a passion for problem-solving that’s all about calling out the daily BS we face.

The diet, beauty, and pharmaceutical industries thrive on our insecurities, steering us away from our bodies’ natural wisdom. In this fast-paced world, we’re pushed to hustle and compete, all while our well-being takes a backseat.

We weren’t taught healthy coping mechanisms; instead, we hide behind the “I’m Fine” mask, feeling guilt and shame for our habits. We numb those feelings with a drink to unwind or turn to food to fill the void. Meanwhile, we ignore the simple things that actually heal us—like quality sleep, sunshine, and nourishing our bodies and minds.

This leads us to live in bodies we don’t recognize, constantly battling aches and pains, obsessing over diets, and trying to be the strong one for our families. The invisible weight we carry can crack that ‘perfect’ facade, and eventually, we break down.

It’s time to unveil the pain we’ve been hiding for the sake of our well-being. If we’re running on empty, we can’t give our best to those we love. I’ve been there—I was a high-functioning depressive for decades. Taking off my mask, identifying my triggers, and fighting for a better life helped me reclaim my power from depression.

High-functioning depression isn’t a weakness; it’s a silent struggle. The exhaustion, isolation, and guilt are real, and acknowledging them is the first step toward reclaiming your life. I’m not a doctor, and I won’t pretend to be one. My mission is to equip you with the tools to reconnect with the basics needed to thrive and remind you that you’re not alone on this journey.

Client Stories

"I have never worked with a coach before. I was blown away by Susie's attention to detail and how very clearly she explained how my body was responding. She knew exactly what I was experiencing before I even told her."

- Caren J.

“I struggled forever to get results on my own. I was always jumping to the next thing. Who knew NOT dieting was my answer?! I've been able to lose 30 lbs. and keep it off for over a year!”

- Marie D.

“I always thought it was food and workouts that made a person "healthy". Working with you I learned how sleep (or lack of in my case) and my stress was not allowing my to make progress."

- Melissa R.

“Girl, you blow my mind! At first I was mad, not at you, but at how much we are being lied to! It's no wonder It's no wonder women are so frustrated with dieting. What you say makes so much sense and what you teach actually works!”

- Michelle S.

“I always said 'I tried everything and nothing worked', but I guess that wasn't true. I never thought I had a problem with alcohol until I took it away. Revealing it was what had been stalling my progress - with my weight and my mindset.”

- Bethany D.

“Your passion, knowledge, and enthusiasm for what you teach shows! I love your no BS approach and that you tell it like it is - you speak the truth! You didn't just help me lose weight, you gave me hope for the future and our kids. Thank you!”

- Gracie B.

“Where did you come from and why didn't I meet you 10 years ago?? You are disrupting the system in a GOOD way! I have learned so much about my body working with you and cannot thank you enough for helping me FINALLY loving my body - inside and out!"

- Teresa R.

“Sleep issues? I don't have any, I sleep just fine - or so I thought anyway. Turns out I was just in denial! With the small and super easy changes you suggested, I have more energy, feel amazing in my body, and actually know what quality sleep is now!”

- Sarah H.

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Optimal health is a CHOICE you make, not a PILL you take.

This journey towards health goes beyond fitness and nutrition.

No quick fixes or fad diets. You'll even be shocked at how simple it is.