You don't have to feel this way anymore, are you ready to have a powerful conversation?

I believe that movement is fundamental for nurturing our bodies’ health and well-being. My classes are designed to make movement accessible to everyone, regardless of their fitness level or experience. Additionally, here is a YouTube video about why my class is different.

I understand the importance of movement in our lives, as our bodies were made to move. Teaching is my true passion, and I aim to be the catalyst for bringing expansion and movement into the lives of others. Furthermore, my classes operate on a pay-what-you-want basis, ensuring accessibility for all.

In every class, my goal is to help you connect with your body and understand its signals. Moreover, constant pain is not normal, and I’m here to help you break free from stiffness and discomfort. My classes promote a free-flowing, unrestricted range of motion, catering to individuals of all fitness levels.

I started in health and wellness over 20 years ago as a massage therapist, initially helping athletes recover from injuries. Over time, I expanded my skills as a personal trainer, a certified yoga instructor with over 500 hours of training, and a wellness coach specializing in sleep and stress management.

Furthermore, my yoga classes are unlike any other. I blend my knowledge of manual therapy with yoga and breathwork to create a unique experience every time.

Additionally, I’ve stayed in this field because I love guiding people towards better health. I’m not about quick fixes; I’m here for long-term lifestyle changes.

My mission is to break free from habits and negative beliefs. We often underestimate ourselves, but I’m here to help you realize your potential.

Sunrise Yoga: Morning Sunlight Session

Welcome to Sunrise Yoga, where you can kickstart your day with a serene session under the morning sun. Experience the gentle warmth of the rising sun as it energizes your body and uplifts your mood, setting a positive tone for the day ahead.

Moreover, practicing yoga in the morning sunlight offers numerous benefits. Firstly, the sun’s rays help boost serotonin levels, promoting happiness and calmness while improving your mood. Additionally, exposure to natural light helps regulate your sleep-wake cycle, leading to better focus during the day and more restful sleep at night.

Join me for Sunrise Yoga and embrace the beauty of each new day, rejuvenating your mind, body, and spirit in harmony with nature.

Evening Yin Yoga: Relax and Sleep Well

Join me for a calming session of Yin Yoga to unwind and prepare for a good night’s sleep. This gentle practice helps calm your body and mind.

Additionally, during Yin Yoga, you’ll do gentle stretches and focus on your breath. Consequently, this helps release tension and stress, leaving you feeling calm and refreshed.

Finally, get ready for a peaceful night’s sleep as you gently stretch and let go of the day’s worries. So, come join me for Evening Yin Yoga and enjoy a relaxing practice.

City Center Yoga: Suitable for Everyone

This class is for all levels – even if it’s your first time. To start, I introduce gentle movement and stretching to allow the body to create more space before transitioning into a flow. It’s worth noting that each class is different and tailored based on the needs of the attendees.

Private Classes Available in Tala

Looking for personalized sessions? Additionally, private classes are available in Tala during the week. Please message me for more details on how to join or if you would like to create a private group class for me to teach.